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Плагин Beaver Builder тема и плагины

чет у меня конструктор перестал работать, склепал лендос .. проработал месяц, жму редактирование все элементы управления пропадают, сам лендос проявляется но отредактировать его нельзя, а в браузере главная страница стала тупо набором текста с лендоса ..

удалил все плагины кроме темы, поставил свежие версии, заработало ..
Последнее редактирование:
Beaver Builder Plugin (Pro Version) - 05/31/2018

Bug Fixes

Fixed module settings opening when clicking the column icon. - 05/31/2018


Show warning message if plugin is installed in wrong folder as it breaks auto-updates.
Allow users to Save With Errors in the CSS/HTML code editor.

Bug Fixes

Fixed adjacent module settings opening when highlighting text with inline editing.
Fixed incorrect text showing after inline editing.
Fixed inline editing performance issues.
Fixed Contact Form Module field connections.
Fixed pinned content panel covering 2px of the content area.
Fixed UI lightboxes appearing in wrong positions.
Added link to change logs from wp-admin plugins page.
Fixed color picker position in responsive editing mode. - 05/17/2018

Bug Fixes

Reverted menu accessibility code added in 2.1.2.
PowerPack for Beaver Builder
== ==
Release date: May 23, 2018
* Fix: Announcement Bar - JS error due to cookie introduced in 2.6.3

== 2.6.3 ==
Release date: May 24, 2018
* Enhancement: Content Grid - added "Custom" Layout option to build Custom Layouts
* Enhancement: Facebook modules - added Multisite App ID support for each sub-site in integration settings
* Enhancement: Announcement Bar - added Cookie settings
* Enhancement: Info Box - added nofollow option for link/button
* Enhancement: Image Carousel - added thumbnail size option
* Enhancement: Info List - added missing alt tag markup
* Enhancement: Info List - changed max length of icon size setting field from 2 to 3
* Enhancement: Subscribe Form - added checkbox text color option
* Fix: Content Grid - post type reset issue in custom query when using the module on CPT archive or singular templates built with Beaver Themer
* Fix: Info Box - issue with Icon at Right layout
* Fix: Countdown - JS conflict with SportsPress plugin
* Fix: Contact Form - checkbox field width issue when Inline layout is set
* Fix: Subscribe Form - checkbox field width issue

Beaver Themer 1.1.2
1.1.2 - 05/21/2018


ACF Flexible Content support added! See Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся for Flexible Content field docs.
ACF Repeater support added! See Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся for repeater field docs.
Added post:id and post:slug Themer connections.
Added Paypal support to the Event Calendar Tickets Module.

Bug Fixes

Prevent field connection logic from running in wp-admin, fixes issues like undefined post_type error with Yoast SEO.
Fixed issue where parts set to all users would not display for admins in the builder.
Fixed post embeds not working when a post has a themer layout.
Modified the logic for ACF relationship query so it displays a message when no results found.
Fixed undefined index post_type PHP warning in Woocommerce Module.
Make sure to pass all query args when creating a new template in wp-admin so other plugins like WPML still work. - 05/09/2018
Hot Fix

Reworked white labeling to support BB 2.1 branding changes.
Use Font Awesome 5 icons in builder UI.
Последнее редактирование:
У меня тоже перестал работать, при чем Lite версия да и до кучи на локалке..... отключал плагины и обновлял - толку 0. А вот если обновить сам буилдер до последней версии или поставить Pro версию - тогда вылетает такое class-fl-builder-model.php on line 5963

конкретно эта строчка - return FLBuilderWhiteLabel::is_white_labeled();

а блок целиком

    * Returns whether the UI has been white labeled or not.
    * @since 2.1
    * [USER=273296]@Return[/USER] bool
    static public function is_white_labeled() {
        if ( class_exists( 'FLBuilderWhiteLabel' ) ) {
            return FLBuilderWhiteLabel::is_white_labeled();

        return false;

Помогите решить проблему пожалуйста.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
В моем случае косяк состоял в версии 4.9.6 - откатился до 4.9.5 и все работает)))
PowerPack for Beaver Builder 2.6.5
== 2.6.5 ==
Release date: June 12, 2018
* Enhancement: Social Icons - Added schema markup and alternate text for ADA compliance
* Fix: Social Icons - FontAwesome compatibility issue
* Fix: Advanced Menu - PHP warning due to undefined variable in frontend.css.php
* Fix: Content Grid - use media CSS breakpoints from global settings instead of custom breakpoints
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - duplicate WP_Query issue
* Fix: Advanced Tabs - duplicate WP_Query issue

== 2.6.4 ==
Release date: June 6, 2018
* Enhancement: Added Font Awesome 5 support in all modules
* Enhancement: Content Grid - added option to customize No Posts Found message
* Enhancement: Content Grid - moved pagination type field to pagination tab
* Enhancement: Info Box - added Icon alignment option for layout 3 and 4
* Enhancement: Contact Form - added hook pp_contact_form_from_name to filter from name
* Fix: Content Grid - custom featured image set in module was not working sometimes
* Fix: Photo Gallery - images were not hiding properly when using justified gallery with last row hide option
* Fix: Contact Form - character encoding issues in email from name and body
* Fix: Flip Box - button was not clickable in IE 11
* Fix: Announcement Bar - extra spacing between content and header when header layout set as fixed in BB theme
Beaver Builder Plugin (Pro Version) 2.1.3
2.1.3 - 06/18/2018


Better support for translating global rows using WPML.
Added thumbnail support for saved rows/modules/columns in the saved tab.
Saved columns now supported in the exporter.
Added no follow field to Icon module.
Number Counter module will now accept 0%.
Added mobile alignment options to the Button module.
Added the ability for Post Carousel module to advance by definable number of slides.
Slideshow and Testimonials modules will now accept float values for transitions.
New filter fl_builder_render_module_html_content.
New filter fl_get_wp_editor_args.
New filter fl_builder_importer_pcre.

Bug Fixes

Fixed unstyled flash of content when AJAX layout renders on slower connections.
Fixed issue where column and row resize settings were opening the module settings.
Fixed module category order not always being respected in the builder UI.
Fixed responsive editing mode not scrolling to the active node when switched.
Fixed missing icon is Tabs module when responsive.
Added logic that resets color picker when clicking an empty color field.
If nodes are hidden using the visibility setting they shouldn’t show after you publish out of the builder.
Fixed MailChimp Subscribe with multiple last names.
Fixed compatibility issue with Fusion Builder by namespacing the color picker code to FLBuilderColor.
Fixed more icon issues when fa4 and fa5 css are both loaded in a page.
Fixed an issue where the combining of Google fonts could result in 2 calls to the font css.
Fixed loop delays in Row’s Youtube background.
Fixed shortcodes with single quotes around attrs breaking in nested form fields.
Fixed color issue with code highlighting when using the dark UI mode.
Fixed a PHP undefined var in Gallery module when using SmugMug.
Fixed video content autoplay no longer working on Chrome and Safari.
Fixed tinymce dropdowns being hidden when settings are very narrow.
Fixed Gberg block validation issues by converting return to RawHTML
Beaver Builder PowerPack Addons v2.6.6


Beaver Builder Plugin (Pro Version) - 07/12/2018

Hot Fix

Fixed WPML global row issue.
Fixed an issue with column width CSS.
Added missing settings var to legacy settings field. Fixes a Subscribe Form issue.
Fixed the missing list in the dropdown due to outdated API methods for ConvertKit.
Fixed javascript error in IE11. Added polyfill for endsWith().
Fixed a malformed JSON bug in notifications system.
Fixed styling issue with Gallery Module captions. - 06/25/2018

Hot Fix

Removed the Chrome parallax fix as the issue is now fixed in Chrome beta and canary. - 06/20/2018

Hot Fix

Tweaked Chrome fix CSS as it broke editing modules inside a parallax row. Sorry. - 06/20/2018

Hot Fix

Fixed a Chrome issue with parallax and overlay backgrounds.
Fixed a Google Font enqueue issue.
